"If you live an active lifestyle or simply enjoy going on jogs or long walks during the day, investing in a good quality jogging stroller can let you bring your baby along while getting your exercise in. While a traditional stroller is a safe option for everyday walks or short trips, they can be difficult to maneuver on rough terrain or uphill, and they typically can’t withstand large bumps and jostling while running.
Baby gear expert Jamie Grayson of the Baby Guy Gear Guide noted that there is a difference between an all-terrain stroller and a jogging stroller — which is important to know before shopping. All-terrain strollers are essentially a balance between standard and jogging strollers — they usually have more storage space than jogging strollers and are designed for off-road use, including hiking and trail-walking, while having three or four large, air-filled tires. But all-terrain strollers aren’t necessarily meant for jogging, running or exercising, and parents who opt for them should look at the manufacturer’s recommendations. “All jogging strollers are all-terrain strollers, but not all all-terrain strollers are jogging strollers,” said Grayson.
Bumbleride Speed
You can convert this Bumbleride stroller into a modular system by purchasing a bassinet or infant car seat. Some standout features include built-in mesh storage pockets, a large storage basket, one-handed backrest recline and UPF 45+ canopies with a pop-out extension. For simple cleaning, the seat fabric and canopy are removable and machine-washable."