We had the pleasure of meeting Paula and David at Run She Is Beautiful in Santa Cruz, CA. Below is an excerpt from their recent post about Stroller Running during their visit to San Diego, CA for the Rock N Roll Marathon. "Let's chat about a stroller for a hot minute. It's not a secret that 99% of all my running is done with a stroller. Fact. However what I don't share enough about is that I have tried quite a few strollers, either because I own quite a few (ummmm Dave thinks I have a stroller hoarding problem. I refuse to talk about it) or I have been able to borrow a stroller. I use the stroller for running errands to long runs to all kinds of training workouts. My strollers get put through a lot! Not only with the miles that I put on them, but also with Asher and his behaviors that come along with his disability. Let's not forget that he was able to literally break a stroller seat less than a year ago because of said behaviors..."

Thank you for your support and recommendations Paula and David! Fit Family 6 is about a family of six living a healthy and fit lifestyle. "Having four boys is enough to keep you moving and on your toes but we feel there's more to being fit than just chasing kids around. We are always aware of what goes into our bodies. We hold each other accountable for staying active, eating clean and most importantly having a good time."