The Reynolds Family Story
Hi, were the Reynold's! We live in Carpinteria, CA with our 3 young kids, Pam our dog and 49 pets. Our homing pigeons and chickens account for the majority of them ;). I work part time sewing and my husband surfs for a living as well as running his brand Former.
Best parenting advice:
I'm a little weary of giving advice cause its hard to speak so broad on something that's so different for everyone! But I think whats helped our family the most throughout parenting is keeping a sense of humor. Even in the hardest of situations there's always something to make light of. The chaos is actually pretty hysterical. Life is a sitcom.
This last year we tried out 'Plastic free July'. Where you eliminate single use plastics for the entire month of July. It was shocking to see how much plastic we unknowingly consumed daily. I wasn't forced to analyze it until I took this challenge. Having 3 young children it was nearly impossible to feed them without incorporating plastic. Since then we've been on a journey to eliminate plastic from our home little by little. We still consume a fair bit, but just by making small changes every month over time were hoping to reduce our footprint. Now when I go to purchase anything I take notice how much plastic is involved or where I can omit it. I sometimes skip out on products I would have bought before, realizing I actually don't need them. One of the changes we've stuck with is our bamboo toothbrushes and floss by knotty floss. Works so good!
I can’t live without baby product:
Baby products we couldn't live without... I'd say rock n plays, the twin z pillow (for our twins), sound machine and pacifiers if your baby will take them.
This is our second Bumbleride stroller. As our family grew so did the stroller.. The Indie Twin is ideal for where we're at. It carries our 1 year old twin girls and our 3 year old at once easily. Plus, the thing rides like a dream! Always love to support small companies but especially when their product is superior.
Follow Courtney, Dane and PAM on Instagram and visit their websites Napkin Apocalypse, pamwear and FORMER.