Shala Atlas' Story

Shahla Atlas' Story
In no particular order; I'm a musician, mother, wife and artist. Native to New York City, I try not to take myself too seriously but melodrama seems to come with the package! Although well-traveled, I've never lived anywhere else until now as a middle-aged adult. I particularly use my Bumbleride to explore my new home, Stockholm. I just had a baby and so I'm taking a year or two off from writing, teaching music and performing to get to know my new little person and my new city.
Since we'll inevitably pass on shards of our own imperfect human antics, my only parenting advice is to give lots of hugs and tell your children you love them at least a thousand times a day! My favorite pastime is making music, which can be found anywhere music is streamed or sold online. Feel free to drop by my personal website, to give a listen or just to say, hello!