Elaina Bellis' Family Story

Elaina Bellis' Family Story
I'm a freelance Art Director who recently became a twin mom to two identical girls! My dad is a professional photographer, so I grew up knowing how to set up and take the perfect shot. I was also a model for years in LA, but always loved the behind the camera creativity more. My fiance is a photographer and we often work together as a team. Going on trips to capture the perfect picture is what we love to do most. Now we have the perfect subjects, our daughters!
My one piece of advice for parents (and myself) is put your phone down, unless taking a photo of your sweet baby! We are all so quick to pick up our phones to google something, space out on social media, or zone out on a game. It's so easy to do when feeding a baby or trying to get them to sleep. Instead, put down your phone and zone out in their eyes. I have to check in with myself and do the same everyday!
My can't live without product for our babies would have to be the Magic Merlin Sleepsack. When we started using them for the girls to sleep in is when we started getting good sleep again.
My favorite pastimes: cooking, baking, and hiking!
Follow Elaina here: @laylaygibson